Sunday 26 December 2021

BGiri Weighing Scales Card Development Customized










Advance Motherboards PCB Card  Board For Weighing Industry ! 

#BGiri Smart Advance WT 2021 use the Precision Weigh Scale solution from Analog Devices(I-NUCLEO-CN0216) to test, develop and prototype on the STM32F411 MCU using the NUCLEO-F411. 

I-NUCLEO-CN0216 is a system for precision weigh scale signal conditioning that can be used in conjunction with a STM32F411, to create a complete precision weigh scale. The signal conditioning system uses the AD7791, a low-power buffered 24-bit sigma-delta ADC along with two external ADA4528-1 zero-drift amplifiers.

This solution provides a high DC gain with a single supply. Ultra-low noise, low-offset voltage, and low-drift amplifiers are used to amplify the low-level signal from the load cell. The circuit yields 15.3-bit, noise-free code resolution for a load cell with a full-scale output of 10 mV.

This solution allows a great flexibility in designing a custom low-level signal conditioning analog front end. It gives the user the ability to easily optimize the overall transfer function of the combined sensor-amplifier-converter circuit. The AD7791 maintains a good performance over the complete output data range (from 9.5Hz to 120Hz), which allows it to be used for weigh-scale applications operating at various low speeds.


High gain of 400 using zero-drift amplifier

Typical connection to weigh scales with low-output signals

Performance metrics maintained through120 Hz

24-bit sigma-delta ADC provides for precision weigh scale (tiny-weight changes)

Low power and low noise


LCD , TFT Touch Screen, Bluetooth, Wi Fi , Thermal Printer, Multiple Digital Load Cell Support , Control Fŕom Anywhere in world ! 

#Development Video After Struggling Hard Working  ! Thanks Lot Entire BGiri Development Team ! Without Your Support Can't Possible Things which Make it Possible  !

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Indian Automotive Industry 

Indian Weigh Bridge and Scales Industry. 

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00919004256214 , 00918879065644. 


Made in india . 

Indian Quality You Can Trust  !

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